Day 1 – it has begun!

Day 1.

We left the UK in what seems 1349834534 hours ago. Just about as long as it took us to pack all our stuff (using Angeliki\’s old method of spreading everything on the floor, packing once, taking everything out again, and repacking when the time is right)..


First stop: Canada.

Apparently it is cheaper to fly to Canada and then Alaska, so we thought we\’d pay a visit to Bert\’s brother and his family who live in Toronto. We flew across the Atlantic with this budget airline (tiny plane – pay for hold luggage and meals etc – the Ryanair equivalent of trans-Atlantic airlines), expecting to spend a day being hungry and uncomfortable, with possible unforeseen extra charges. Instead we got a free seat upgrade, lots of free food and possibly the funniest, happiest cabin crew I have ever encountered! So many benefits to that, the best being that Bert got offered a tasty wrap and didn\’t need to open the bag of spring onion and cheese sandwiches he had prepared at 4:30am that morning… We were even offered a small cup of m&m\’s – the ones that have a tiny bit of peanut butter in the middle – so good I decided to ignore my weak nut allergy and devour them until my tongue was blue, just in time to go through passport control. We landed in St. John\’s airport, Newfoundland, where we had a 6 hour wait for our flight to Toronto. Just enough time to look for a picnic spot and eat those spring onion stinkers!


We finally arrived in Toronto at 9pm and got picked up by our lovely hosts. They took us back to their house, located in a neighbourhood that shows no matter how far you travel, there\’s always something to remind you of home:


Sudden realisations:

  • Everything in North America is massive!! Those pickup trucks are ginormous!
  • We are half way to Alaska!!

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